When I was a senior in high school – I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. The only thing I knew was I wanted to be a photographer. I applied to college after college. The one school I wanted to get into was CNU – I was denied. I was heartbroken. Looking back it was such a blessing in disguise though. That wasn’t the right school for me.
I decided to go to TCC for 2 years – Where I got my associates degree. Before I graduated from TCC I was debating about transferring to a University – Old Dominion University. It was heavy on my heart for a while. The guy I was dating at the time didn’t want me to go. He wanted me to move in with him and be done with school. That wasn’t in my heart. I decided to transfer to get my bachelors degree. I moved to Norfolk. Shortly after the guy and I broke up. Another blessing in disguise.
I loved living in Norfolk – I was doing photography – as well as working at the daycare on campus. I loved it.. I was in the infant room and got really close with all the babies. I had a great experience at ODU. I majored in communications and minored in marketing. At one point I tried changing my major to elementary education. Once again – another blessing in disguise.
It was close to graduation – I was sitting in one of my lecture classes. I just applied for a job working for Target in their marketing department. My heart wasn’t in it. Later on I sat down with my mom. She asked me my plan. I didn’t know my plan. My mom goes, “whats holding you back from taking your photography full time and chasing your dream?” She was right.. I was scared to take that leap.
I thought about it for a while.. and decided to jump. Here we are 4 years later – doing photography full time. I love what I do – I love being a photographer and business owner. My heart is so happy. Forever thankful for a family and a husband who supports me so much.
If you’re scared to take that initial leap – don’t let it hold you back – chase your dreams.